Ryan Stiles fan site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
News and Gossip
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Here's the scoop...


In this column I'll include any breaking news on my favorite star, including upcoming movies, planned talk show appearances, box office figures, and so on.

Here's an example of the format I might use for the entries on this page:

he has recently been on many tv series.

 During the 1994-95 baseball strike, Stiles and acclaimed director Joe Pytka made some memorable commercials for Nike. That's Stiles in the empty baseball stadium doing the wave solo. When he's not at work, Stiles spends his time thinking about work.

Contributed by jessica


Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read in this column!

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!

Feel free to check out the awsome pictures.